Sen. John Braun: After making natural gas cost more, Democrats move toward banning it
In 2021, there was a three-way tie for the title of “worst bill” passed by majority Democrats. Their new cap-and-trade climate law, new tax on income from capital gains and new limits on law enforcement pursuits each took Washington in the wrong direction.
John Braun: Governor needs to feel public heat if Green Hill School situation is to improve
During the news conference he held minutes after the Legislature adjourned for the year, Gov. Jay Inslee praised his Democrat allies in the Senate and House because they didn’t “collapse” or go backwards by approving Initiative 2117, Initiative 2109 and Initiative 2124 while we were in session.
John Braun: Legislature adjourns with big wins for the people, big losses for Democrats
When the majority Democrats are on the wrong side of an issue, a setback for them is also a win for the people. Here are several examples from this just-concluded session. Each is important in its way.