John Braun: Pass I-2109 to end tax on capital gains, Democrats' plan for universal income tax
There are many reasons to repeal Washington’s tax on income from capital gains by approving Initiative 2109.
One is that Washington voters, when asked about an income tax, have already said “no” 11 times.
John Braun: As students return, campuses must prevent return of antisemitic behavior
Eighty years ago, a lawyer who had fled to the United States from Poland a few years earlier combined an ancient Greek word and a Latin word to make a new term: genocide.
John Braun: Need more reasons to support I-2117 and end the hidden gas tax? Try these
Opponents of Initiative 2117, which would repeal Washington's costly cap-and-tax law, are repeating the lie that passing the initiative would put our state's roads and bridges at risk.
John Braun: Say no to lies and economic injustice by voting yes on Initiative 2117
I-2117 will repeal what is formally known as the Climate Commitment Act — the CCA — which is more accurately known as Gov. Jay Inslee’s “cap-and-tax” law. Supporters of the measure correctly call it a hidden gas tax.
John Braun: Survey says people feel no ‘joy’ for state Democrats’ tax ideas
Can “joy” pay the electric bill, he asked rhetorically? The rent? Or other basic, fixed costs?
Sen. John Braun Commentary: Make life in our state better by passing initiatives, electing more Republicans
A new set of rankings from WalletHub, a personal-finance website, recently prompted a report on a prominent regional news outlet, with this headline: “Why didn’t Washington make the top 20 in best states to live?”
John Braun: Ferguson’s attempt to deny secrecy accusations sends up more red flags
On top of Bob Ferguson’s known credibility problems, add these to the list: The Democratic candidate for governor clearly has trouble handling criticism, admitting when mistakes are made and figuring out how to do the right thing.
John Braun commentary: Vote Republican, say ‘no’ to Democrats' dream of supermajority
Just one more seat in both our Senate and House of Representatives will give Democrats a 3/5ths majority, allowing them to bind the state — meaning taxpayers — to billions upon billions of dollars in long-term debt without bipartisan consent.
John Braun: The more Bob Ferguson says, the more his credibility gap widens
Bob Ferguson's campaign for governor is providing multiple examples of how candidates can say anything, without needing to back it up — or while conveniently overlooking facts that would contradict their political advertising.
John Braun: Remember Democrats’ gerrymandering when casting primary ballots
The change is due to a coordinated and outrageous Democratic political power play that began in 2021 and led to a controversial federal-court ruling in March.
John Braun: When Democrats say they want to lower costs, ask them about the cost-saving initiatives
Let’s pretend for a moment that Ferguson actually cares about doing something to ease the financial burden on families.
John Braun: Ferguson double-speak illustrates Democrats’ public-safety problem
Now, Bob Ferguson is finally getting his chance to run for governor, after having to stand aside while fellow Democrat Inslee pursued a third term in 2020.
John Braun: Washington voters rise up again, this time with I-2066
"Whenever the people are well informed, they can be trusted with their own government; that whenever things get so far wrong as to attract their notice, they may be relied on to set them to rights."
John Braun: Inslee will say anything to protect hidden gas tax
At about this time in 2022, Gov. Jay Inslee boldly claimed our state’s new cap-and-tax law would “have a minimal impact, if any…pennies” when it came to the cost of gasoline in our state.
John Braun: Give Washington parents the right to choose how their children are educated
The Republican-led Senate instead recognized an opportunity to deal with systemic flaws that put many students at a disadvantage. Those infirmities were limiting educational opportunities, especially for children in school districts with lower property values.
Sen. John Braun: Campus protests call for decisive leadership
During the first half of May, administrators at the University of Washington patiently negotiated with pro-Hamas protesters about voluntarily dismantling their illegal encampment at the center of the Seattle campus.
Legislators don’t need to address property-tax cap — we already did
Senate Bill 5770, initially sponsored by 20 Democratic senators, would have tripled Washington’s long-standing 1% cap on the annual growth of property taxes.
John Braun: The hits just keep coming from Democrats’ cap-and-tax law
Anyone who buys gasoline already knows how the price of a gallon of unleaded regular in our state has shot up since majority Democrats’ cap-and-tax law — the so-called Climate Commitment Act, or CCA — took full effect in 2023. The same gas costs significantly less in Oregon and Idaho, which are free of a cap-and-tax policy.
John Braun: When it comes to dodging constitution, Democrats are habitual offenders
Republicans see absolutely no need for an income tax in Washington. Thanks to unanimous support from Republican legislators, Initiative 2111 was passed on March 4. It outlaws any income tax at any level of government in our state.
Sen. John Braun: Initiative critic wants ‘constructive measures’ — and Republicans have them.
Knowing what the Legislature did and didn’t do this year with the six initiatives submitted to it by the people of Washington, I couldn’t help noticing what a big-city newspaper columnist recently wrote under the headline “The cost of repealing state laws on climate, health, and capital gains.”